KAWS has teamed up with Netflix and AllRightsReserved for a special collectible in celebration of the second season of Squid Game. The global reach of the Korean thriller game show saw the first season captivate viewers worldwide, capturing a staggering 330 million views to date. Ahead of the Squid Game Season 2 premiere, ARR has partnered with KAWS and Netflix to create a set of "YOUNG-HEE" colle...
A promotional video for the first Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba Infinity Castle anime film has been unveiled.Koyoharu Gotouge’s popular manga-turned-globally-acclaimed anime series premiered To the Hashira Training, the fourth season in the spring of this year. After a short run of 8 episodes, the anime concluded with an hour-long special that set the stage for its final arc — Infinity Castle. Si...
As the January 17th premiere date nears, Apple TV+ has unveiled a gripping new trailer for Severance Season 2, providing an enigmatic glimpse into the eerie world of Lumon Industries.Season 1 ended on a shocking cliffhanger, with Mark Scout and his "innie" colleagues shattering the boundary between their work and personal lives. The trailer reveals their return to Lumon, where the fallout of their...
JAY-Z, aka Shawn Carter, has been named in a civil lawsuit. The business mogul has been accused of raping a 13-year-old girl in 2000 with Sean "Diddy" Combs. While the lawsuit was initially filed back in October and originally listed Combs as the only defendant, the lawsuit has now been refiled to include Carter. At this moment, the accusation remains anonymous, coming from a "Jane Doe" who claime...
Rising global boy group ONE OR EIGHT has teamed up with Big Sean for a release of "KAWASAKI," their pre-debut single from June 2024.The eight-piece outfit, who opened the first day of Hypefest Hong Kong 2024, and Big Sean retain the original track's high-energy sonic landscape of Jersey Club beats and heavy trap-leaning bass lines. The GRAMMY-nominated rapper adds an extra layer of excitement with...
Shawn "Jay-Z" Carter has been accused of rape in a refiled civil lawsuit brought by Jane Doe against Sean "Diddy" Combs.
Donald Trump made his first appearance on Meet The Press this year after becoming the president-elect and X shared its thoughts.
/ Here are the best trailers from the first week of December. a:hover]:text-black [&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-black dark:[&>a:hover]:text-gray-e9 dark:[&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-gray-63 [&>a]:shadow-underline-gray-13 dark:[&>a]:shadow-underline-gray-63″>Michelle Yeoh in Star Trek: Section 31.a:hover]:shadow-highlight-franklin dark:[&>a:hover]:shadow-highlight-frank...
Jaguar has fully cemented its heritage amongst car enthusiasts worldwide and throughout history. With electrification at the forefront of the auto industry, the brand looks to disrupt the world of electric vehicles with the introduction of its new Type 00 model.Type 00 is a new beginning for Jaguar, without straying far from its core DNA. Sleek lines, bold grills and strong engines have always bee...
/ Amazon Prime Video puts the action front and center in this official Invincible trailer.
/ Amazon Prime Video’s fantasy series got a new trailer and a March 2025 streaming premiere at CCXP 2024 yesterday.
/ You can currently save $75 on the latest PlayStation 5 and $200 on the PSVR 2 headset. a]:text-gray-13″>If you buy something from a Verge link, Vox Media may earn a commission. See our ethics statement. a:hover]:text-gray-63 [&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-black dark:[&>a:hover]:text-gray-bd dark:[&>a:hover]:shadow-underline-gray [&>a]:shadow-underline-gray-63 dark:[&>a]:t...