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I’ve Been Shaving My Face in the Name of Beauty, And I Have Some Thoughts

I’ve Been Shaving My Face in the Name of Beauty, And I Have Some Thoughts

But then, one afternoon a couple of months ago, as I cleared out my beauty stash, I stumbled across a pack of three single-blade women’s facial razors in my bathroom cabinet. They had been sent to me by a brand many moons ago when I was writing a feature about the new-at-the-time beauty fad of dermaplaning. A form of professional, mechanical exfoliation popular in salons and clinics, dermaplaning is the beauty industry’s fancy name for face shaving. Usually carried out with a single-blade razor, it works to remove dead skin and, more importantly for me, vellus hair (peach fuzz) to leave your complexion looking smoother and brighter. 

And I say that dermaplaning was a “new” treatment but in fact, from Cleopatra to Marilyn Monroe, rumour has it that some of beauty’s most influential women regularly shaved their faces to achieve a more youthful, glowing complexion. So why had I waited so long to try it? Well, my facial hair is abundant and the last thing I have ever wanted was to be met with stubbly, shadowy regrowth. However, with lockdown encouraging me to live my life on the edge along with the fact I’m not seeing anyone and had absolutely nothing to lose, after a quick brush-up on technique, before I knew it I was stood in front of my bathroom mirror shaving my own face. And, if I’m honest, I’ve got some thoughts on the whole ordeal that I’m desperate to share with you all.

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