The Morgan County Extension Office may not be the first place you look when considering health and wellness issues. However, they can be a great resource for information and support on various topics related to healthy living, such as nutrition, physical activity, and food safety.
Katie Seelhoff, FCS and 4-H Youth Development Extension Agent at the Morgan County Extension Office says that the Extension Office is often referred to as “the best kept secret” because they have resources and classes you may be looking for.
Seelhoff’s background in human development and family studies was geared toward psychology and family dynamics.
She does say that before making any lifestyle or food changes, it is important to check with your doctor.
Some of the classes she teaches include:
• A Healthier Weigh — Each year in January, an individual, a team of two, or a team of four people start with a weigh-in. Your body composition is measured for how much your body weight is water and measurements for fat and muscle. The goal is to walk the most steps throughout the 12-week program. Whichever individual, couple, or team has walked the most steps, wins. They also have subcategories for weight loss and skeletal muscle mass gain. You must read different articles that the Extension Office has created about meal planning, intuitive eating, beans, and legumes, and how much protein you should be eating.
• Cooking Matters — The next class will be on August 24. Cooking Matters partners with the Family Center to learn how to read nutrition labels, understand what you are eating, and take a trip to the grocery store to discuss buying in bulk or smaller portions. These articles were created in partnership with a dietician.
• Fresh Conversations — A program where participants meet once a month to discuss important topics that affect their health. Participants will receive a newsletter that they can take with them that focuses on current health topics such as heart disease, diet trends, and preventing cancer. The newsletter also includes a low-cost and healthy recipe, easy ways to be active at home, and puzzles.
• Healthy You — Discuss eating healthy, living well, and caring for yourself. The class helps to make these choices more of a habit instead of the all-or-nothing mentality. They also help you be mindful of physical activity and work your way into an exercise routine.
• Matter of Balance — A program geared toward older adults. Talk about and practice exercises that promote strength and balance for fall prevention.
• Dining with Diabetes — Practicing cooking diabetic-friendly meals and discussing how to eat better. There is typically a charge for that class, because of the food involved.
• Cooking Matters — A partnership with the Family Center. A class where you learn to read nutrition labels, understand what you are eating, and take a trip to the grocery store to discuss buying in bulk or smaller portions.
Older adult classes are typically held at the Gene Doty Senior Center in Fort Morgan and most other classes at the Extension Office.
If you need a translator for a class, reach out to the Extension Office.
“We partner with One Morgan County for simultaneous translation,” Seelhoff said. “Anyone who needs that service will be provided with an earbud. A translator will sit in the back of the room and translates as the presenter is speaking. This allows everyone to hear in real-time.”
Along with the classes, the Extension Office has online resources. You can access newsletters and blogs. There are also articles on the following topics:
• Nutrition, Food Safety & Health
• Foodborne Illness
• Food Preparation
• Food Preservation
• Food Safety & Local Foods
• Food Storage
• High Risk & Special Audiences
• High Altitude Preparation
• Foods and Nutrients
• Eating Patterns
• Weight Management
• Disease Management
• Women’s Health
• Infant and Child Health
• Food and Nutrition Information and Labeling
You can see information about the above topics by visiting their website at https://morgan.extension.colostate.edu/. The Extension Office is located at 914 E. Railroad Ave. and can be reached by phone at (970) 542-3544, or by fax at (970) 542-3541.