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Ranked: happiest countries in the world 2023

Ranked: happiest countries in the world 2023

For the sixth consecutive year, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world. We take a look at the latest report

Happiness is a nebulous thing; hard to grasp and harder to hold onto. Scientists, economists and philosophers have defined it through the ages as a combination of different things, among them health, wealth, companionship and security.

Ever since 2011, when the United Nations (UN) adopted a resolution sponsored by Bhutan, entitled ‘Happiness: towards a holistic approach to development’, governments have worked to give more weight to happiness and well-being when determining how to achieve and measure social and economic development.

The Tiger's Nest in Bhutan
S_jakkarin/Shutterstock Bhutan pioneered recognising happiness and well-being

As such, various indices attempt to rank the happiest countries in the world on an annual basis. Now in its 11th year, the World Happiness Report from the UN’s Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) is particularly interesting as it ranks 137 countries by how happy their citizens perceive themselves to be.

“A decade ago, governments around the world expressed the desire to put happiness at the heart of the global development agenda, and they adopted a UN General Assembly resolution for that purpose. The World Happiness Report grew out of that worldwide determination to find the path to greater global well-being. Now, at a time of pandemic and war, we need such an effort more than ever. And the lesson of the World Happiness Report over the years is that social support, generosity to one another, and honesty in government are crucial for well-being. World leaders should take heed. Politics should be directed as the great sages long ago insisted: to the well-being of the people, not the power of the rulers.”

Jeffrey Sachs, World Happiness Report

The SDSN employs an international group of economists, neuroscientists and statisticians to survey citizens on their subjective well-being to produce a comprehensive annual list of the happiest countries in the world.

Assessing happiness

SDSN highlights that its rankings are not an index like the longer-running Human Development Index (HDI) and the more recent Happy Planet Index (HPI). These are often influenced by private sponsors and only partly draw on self-assessment – or make no use of it at all.

SDSN emphasises that its findings draw heavily on data from population samples in each country, using a life evaluation survey to produce subjective well-being data. The report draws on interviews with over 100,000 people across 137 countries.

The report principally relies on asking a straightforward, subjective question of more than 1,000 people in each country:

“Imagine a ladder, with steps numbered from 0 at the bottom to 10 at the top.

The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you. On which step of the ladder would you say you personally feel you stand at this time?”

World Happiness Report

That is not to say the report is without a scientific basis. Economic and social factors are considered along with the survey (namely GDP per capita, social support, life expectancy, freedom to make life choices, generosity and perceptions of corruption), but the focus is on how happy citizens say they are; not how happy statisticians think they should be.

10 happiest countries

Once again, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world. Rounding out the rest of the top 10 are the same countries as last year, just shuffled around slightly.

  1. Finland
  2. Denmark
  3. Iceland
  4. Israel
  5. Netherlands
  6. Sweden
  7. Norway
  8. Switzerland
  9. Luxembourg
  10. New Zealand
A northern lights scene from Finland – the happiest country in the world 2022
DENIS BELITSKY/SHUTTERSTOCK Finland remains the world’s happiest country

10 unhappiest countries

At the other end of the table, war-scarred Afghanistan remains last as its humanitarian crisis continues to deepen after the Taliban returned to power in 2021.

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Lebanon
  3. Sierra Leone
  4. Zimbabwe
  5. DR Congo
  6. Botswana
  7. Malawi
  8. Comoros
  9. Tanzania
  10. Zambia
Ukraine recorded a rise in goodwill

The geography of happiness

Unsurprisingly, there is a strong correlation between unhappiness and the world’s poorest and most dangerous countries. Eight of the 10 unhappiest nations are in Africa with the other two, Afghanistan and Lebanon, respectively facing political and financial instability.

Eight of the 10 happiest countries are European nations with only Israel and New Zealand from outside Europe. The UK has dropped two places to 19th while the USA is ranked 15th, up one place from last year. Canada, in 13th, is the highest-ranked country in the Americas. France dropped one spot to 21st. Australia remained in 12th.

The highest-ranked country in the Middle East is the UAE (26) with Singapore (25) and Taiwan (27) the happiest countries in Asia. Costa Rica (23) is the happiest in Latin America with Uruguay (28) the highest-placed in South America. Mauritius (59) is the happiest African nation in the ranking.

a colour coded map of the world's happiest countries
Atlas & Boots Mapped: the happiest countries in the world

Interestingly, the pandemic does not appear to have affected people’s happiness. Instead, the study found significantly higher levels of benevolence in all global regions than before the pandemic. And when asked to evaluate their lives on a scale of one to 10, people on average gave scores just as high in the 2020-22 pandemic years as in 2017-19.

Another fascinating anomaly is that in Ukraine, recorded goodwill rose to record levels with high scores for donations and the helping of strangers while, conversely, it fell significantly in Russia.

“The devastating impact of the war is evident to all, and so we also find that well-being in Ukraine has taken a real hit”, noted Jan-Emmanuel De Neve of the Wellbeing Research Centre, University of Oxford.

“But what is surprising, however, is that well-being in Ukraine fell by less than it did in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea, and this is thanks in part to the extraordinary rise in fellow feeling across Ukraine as picked up in data on helping strangers and donations – the Russian invasion has forged Ukraine into a nation” added De Neve.

Happiest countries in the world 2023 – complete rankings

The World Happiness Report compiles data from the last three years of available surveys. The overall happiness scores are calculated from the average of the six factors mentioned above.

Rank Country Score
1 Finland 7.804
2 Denmark 7.586
3 Iceland 7.530
4 Israel 7.473
5 Netherlands 7.403
6 Sweden 7.395
7 Norway 7.315
8 Switzerland 7.240
9 Luxembourg 7.228
10 New Zealand 7.123
11 Austria 7.097
12 Australia 7.095
13 Canada 6.961
14 Ireland 6.911
15 USA 6.894
16 Germany 6.892
17 Belgium 6.859
18 Czechia 6.845
19 UK 6.796
20 Lithuania 6.763
21 France 6.661
22 Slovenia 6.650
23 Costa Rica 6.609
24 Romania 6.589
25 Singapore* 6.587
26 UAE 6.571
27 Taiwan 6.535
28 Uruguay 6.494
29 Slovakia* 6.469
30 Saudi Arabia 6.463
31 Estonia 6.455
32 Spain 6.436
33 Italy 6.405
34 Kosovo 6.368
35 Chile 6.334
36 Mexico 6.330
37 Malta 6.300
38 Panama 6.265
39 Poland 6.260
40 Nicaragua 6.259
41 Latvia 6.213
42 Bahrain* 6.173
43 Guatemala 6.150
44 Kazakhstan 6.144
45 Serbia* 6.144
46 Cyprus 6.130
47 Japan 6.129
48 Croatia 6.125
49 Brazil 6.125
50 El Salvador 6.122
51 Hungary 6.041
52 Argentina 6.024
53 Honduras 6.023
54 Uzbekistan 6.014
55 Malaysia* 6.012
56 Portugal 5.968
57 South Korea 5.951
58 Greece 5.931
59 Mauritius 5.902
60 Thailand 5.843
61 Mongolia 5.840
62 Kyrgyzstan 5.825
63 Moldova 5.819
64 China* 5.818
65 Vietnam 5.763
66 Paraguay 5.738
67 Montenegro* 5.722
68 Jamaica 5.703
69 Bolivia 5.684
70 Russia 5.661
71 Bosnia & Herzegovina* 5.633
72 Colombia 5.630
73 Dominican Republic 5.569
74 Ecuador 5.559
75 Peru 5.526
76 Philippines* 5.523
77 Bulgaria 5.466
78 Nepal 5.360
79 Armenia 5.342
80 Tajikistan* 5.330
81 Algeria* 5.329
82 Hong Kong SAR 5.308
83 Albania 5.277
84 Indonesia 5.277
85 South Africa* 5.275
86 Congo 5.267
87 North Macedonia 5.254
88 Venezuela 5.211
89 Laos* 5.111
90 Georgia 5.109
91 Guinea 5.072
92 Ukraine 5.071
93 Ivory Coast 5.053
94 Gabon 5.035
95 Nigeria* 4.981
96 Cameroon 4.973
97 Mozambique 4.954
98 Iraq* 4.941
99 Palestine 4.908
100 Morocco 4.903
101 Iran 4.876
102 Senegal 4.855
103 Mauritania 4.724
104 Burkina Faso* 4.638
105 Namibia 4.631
106 Turkiye* 4.614
107 Ghana 4.605
108 Pakistan* 4.555
109 Niger 4.501
110 Tunisia 4.497
111 Kenya 4.487
112 Sri Lanka* 4.442
113 Uganda* 4.432
114 Chad 4.397
115 Cambodia 4.393
116 Benin 4.374
117 Myanmar* 4.372
118 Bangladesh 4.282
119 Gambia 4.279
120 Mali 4.198
121 Egypt 4.170
122 Togo 4.137
123 Jordan 4.120
124 Ethiopia 4.091
125 Liberia 4.042
126 India 4.036
127 Madagascar 4.019
128 Zambia* 3.982
129 Tanzania 3.694
130 Comoros 3.545
131 Malawi 3.495
132 Botswana 3.435
133 DR Congo 3.207
134 Zimbabwe 3.204
135 Sierra Leone 3.138
136 Lebanon 2.392
137 Afghanistan 1.859

* Countries that do not have data from 2022. Their scores are based on the 2021 report.

Top 10 happiest cities

In 2020, the report also ranked individual cities by residents’ perception of their own well-being. Unsurprisingly, Finland’s capital Helsinki was in first position.

  1. Helsinki, Finland
  2. Aarhus, Denmark
  3. Wellington, New Zealand
  4. Zurich, Switzerland
  5. Copenhagen, Denmark
  6. Bergen, Norway
  7. Oslo, Norway
  8. Tel Aviv, Israel
  9. Stockholm, Sweden
  10. Brisbane, Australia
  • View the complete 2020 city rankings here.

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Happiest cities in the world

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Lead image: BlueOrange Studio/Shutterstock

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