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Senegal postpones school restart after teachers test positive for coronavirus

Senegal has postponed the restart of schools until further notice after several teachers tested positive for the new coronavirus, the education ministry said late on Monday. Schools were scheduled to gradually resume on Tuesday, after weeks of shutdown due to the pandemic. Senegal has recorded 3,739 positive COVID-19 cases since the start of the outbreak, with 43 deaths. An education ministry statement said teachers tested positive for coronavirus in Ziguinchor, in the Casamance area, south of the country. It said Senegal’s President Macky Sall decided to “postpone the restart of classes until a later date, in order to avoid any risk of the virus spreading in schools.” The government began bussing teachers from the capital Dakar to schools in the other regions last week in preparation for ...

Pupils return to school in Singapore

Pupils wearing face masks returned to school in Singapore on Tuesday and some workplaces re-opened as coronavirus restrictions were eased in the hard-hit city-state. Singapore initially kept infections low through a strict regime of testing and contact-tracing, only for major outbreaks to emerge from crowded dormitories housing low-paid foreign workers. The country has recorded over 35,000 cases – the highest official tally in Southeast Asia – with the vast majority among workers from the dorms. The death toll stands at 24. Authorities imposed a partial lockdown in early April, with schools and most workplaces told to close, and people only allowed to leave home for essential purposes. But with new infections slowing and no major outbreaks outside dorms, the government began easing measure...