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2023: Tinubu says INEC not ready for electronic voting, transmission of results

2023: Tinubu says INEC not ready for electronic voting, transmission of results

Bola Tinubu, the presidential candidate of the All Progressives Congress (APC), has expressed no confidence in the decision of the National Electoral Commission to deploy the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) and the INEC Results Viewing Portal (IReV) for the 2023 election.

“INEC is still yet to assure us during this election that electronic transmission, the technology being used for the accreditation and the total votes counts is reliable, dependable and assuring in our democratic process before we introduce a complicated element of…ballot,” Mr Tinubu said on Monday.

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The APC presidential candidate spoke at Chatham House in London as part of a strategy to expound on his plans for security, economy and foreign policy in the United Kingdom.

His fresh opposition to the voting technology reinforced the position of the ruling party, which had earlier claimed that Nigeria was not yet ripe for the use of such technology in the 2023 poll.

Speaking further before a diverse audience at the frontline UK think-tank, Mr Tinubu said he’s one of the politicians in Nigeria now losing confidence in the nation’s voting system with the introduction of the new technology ahead of the polls.

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“We are still losing confidence in our democratic and voting system,” he said.

Native Reporters



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