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Burglars invade late MKO Abiola’s home

Burglars invade late MKO Abiola’s home
The Nigeria Police Force says its investigation shows that Boko Haram, Ansaru and other terror groups are getting support from some Nigerians.

The police in Lagos State have arrested some domestic staff at the Ikeja home of the former presidential candidate of the Social Democratic Party during the 1993 presidential election, Late Bashorun MKO Abiola in connection with a burglary incident.

Some yet to be identified burglars had reportedly invaded his house on Wednesday morning the late politician’s home, where they carted away yet to be quantified things.

Police at the state command headquarters, who confirmed the burglary to newsmen said that “we suspect insiders’ job and we have arrested some suspects.”

The police source, a senior police officer said that policemen from Ikeja divisional police officer were immediately deployed to the scene for investigations.

Efforts to get the reaction of the image-maker in charge of the state police command, Bala Elkana failed as calls to his mobile phone lines were not answered as of the time of filing these reports.

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