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Ghana: Closure of Nigerians’ shops xenophobic – Senate minority leader

Ghana: Closure of Nigerians’ shops xenophobic – Senate minority leader
Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe

Senate Minority Leader, Enyinnaya Abaribe, has accused Ghana’ of targeting Nigerians.

He said the Ghanian government was carrying out xenophobic acts against citizens of its long-time ally.

Abaribe’s reaction was contained in a statement in Abuja on Sunday by his spokesman, Uchenna Awom.

Recently, Ghanaian officials sealed shops belonging to Nigerian traders in Accra over $1million equity stipulated by the Ghana Investment Promotions Council.

Abaribe told Ghana to “prove us wrong by putting a halt to further closure of the shops and attacks on Nigerians in compliance to the Economic Community of West African Countries (ECOWAS) protocol”.

The lawmaker called the closure of business a willful denigration of sub-regional brotherhood and one that is in clear conflict with ECOWAS protocol.

“So what’s the point of having an economic community if at the end of the day each country resolves to make laws and regulations that are in contradiction with the binding protocol.

“This is quite absurd as it negates the spirit that propelled the formation of ECOWAS in the first place”, he said.

Abaribe urged ECOWAS to address Ghana’s behaviour and its far-reaching implications, particularly the issue of free trade and movement of people in West Africa.

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