I’m Erica Davies, and for all of my professional life, I have worked in fashion. I love clothes, putting outfits together, accessorising, the high street, vintage pieces, working out how else to style existing favourites—all of it. I have spent the past 20 years putting together outfits for editorials and photo shoots and know instinctively how to put print and colour combinations together.
However, interior design is, without a doubt, my passion. And I think there is a very fine thread linking the worlds of fashion and furniture together. If you can put together an outfit, I reckon you can put together a room. Mix all of that with the fact that I’ve lived in and decorated five homes of my own (not including all the student flats and temporary stop-gaps!). I’ve gained practical experience in creating different schemes, made mistakes along the way but also become confident in my décor style choices and—much like with an outfit—can tell when a room feels “right.”