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Japa: FG set to end Nigerians migration overseas

Japa: FG set to end Nigerians migration overseas

The Federal Government on Thursday said it was seeking ways to halt the trend of Nigerians relocating abroad.

The government also said it would continue to work towards ensuring gainful employment for Nigerians to make travelling abroad unattractive.

Minister of State for Science, Technology and Innovation Henry Ikoh gave the assurance in Abuja while receiving in audience Secretary-General Digital Cooperation Organisation (DCO) Ms Deemah Yahya, during a courtesy visit to his office.The visit, it was gathered, was in connection with the upcoming Digital Nigeria Day Conference.

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Welcoming the team, the minister said the government intended correct the trend through industrialisation, which could be achieved by synergising with the DCO in the area of human capital development. “The synergy is what we require, capacity building is key and technology transfer is what Nigeria and Africa in particular needs at the moment so that the world can be a global village. We need to collaborate in all areas to ensure harmony.

If we collaborate and synergise in the area of human capital development, it would guarantee industrialisation, when people are gainfully employed and moved out from poverty, then Africans and Nigerians would not be struggling to travel abroad because everything is here. We have all the raw materials; what we really require in terms of digitalisation is for us to cross fertilise ideas, train and retrain our people then things would be better,” the minister said.

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    Tweet Tweet Share Whatsapp reddit The Federal Government on Thursday said it was seeking ways to halt the trend of Nigerians relocating abroad. The go
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