In the days after my treatments, my skin was pink, and I could see the track marks from where the needles had punctured my skin. It certainly looks more severe than it was, and I didn’t experience any pain whatsoever. This lasted up to four days, after which my skin settled and the bumps has disappeared. Naturally, my skin was more sensitive during this time, so I was given some aftercare tips to ensure my skin healed well.
I only used gentle skincare for up to four days after each treatment, and mostly avoided stronger active ingredients such as retinoids and acids for the duration of my treatment course. Lynton has a cooling serum gel which is designed to be used post-procedure, which I used in the days after my treatment. I stayed out of the sun and wore an SPF each day, which is important as the skin is partiucalty sensitive after this treatment. After a week, I could introduce my salicylic acid cleanser and hyaluronic acid serums as normal.
You can wear makeup 24 hours afterwards, but I tried to go without for as long as possible, as I found my acne-prone skin was easily clogged where my skin was more ‘open’. If you do want to wear makeup, mineral-based powder foundations are recommended. It’s also advised to avoid swimming, saunas and vigorous exercise where your skin heats up for a couple of days after your treatment.

Tagged: skin